Terms and conditions of entry and information on the use of personal data in the typeform competition

1. The organiser of this competition is Bayer 04 Leverkusen Fußball GmbH (hereinafter “Bayer 04”), Bismarckstr. 122 – 124, 51373 Leverkusen, Germany.

2. Participation in the competition is free of charge.

3. Participants must be at least 16 years old. The competition is only open to residents of Germany.

4. Only one entry per person is permitted.

5. Employees of Bayer 04, employees of agencies involved in the competition as well as members of their families are excluded from taking part in the competition.

6. The competition ends on September, 3rd 2023 at 23.59 (CEST).
7. Participation in the competition requires completion of the Typeform survey linked on the X-channel (formerly Twitter) of Bayer 04.
8. The winner will be determined from a random draw from all comments entered.
9. The winner will be informed via e-mail.

10. The following prize can be won:
-  four times one Bayer 04-jersey of the 2023/24 season

11. A cash alternative to the value of the prize or exchange thereof are not permitted.

12. Winning claims are not transferable.

13. Bayer 04 are entitled to exclude participants from the competition if there is suspicion that the terms of participation have been infringed or in the event of any other manipulation and, where applicable, prizes can be withdrawn and recalled after the event.

14. Participants exempt Bayer 04 from all claims from third parties relating to participation in the competition. Participants who, during participation in the competition or in the announcement of the winners, make statements or undertake acts that in the view of Bayer 04 breach current laws, public morals, that in particular glorify violence or represent pornographic or politically incorrect statements or acts as well as making statements or undertaking acts that harm the reputation of Bayer 04 can be excluded from participation in the competition at any time.

15. Bayer 04 reserve the right to end or suspend the competition at any point for good cause without any notice. This particularly applies to the presence of circumstances that impair or prevent the planned execution of the competition. Compensation claims from participants are excluded in this case.

16. Subject to the change of the specific form of the prizes.

17. Bayer 04 reserve the right to change or end the competition at any point without prior notice or provision of reasons. Bayer 04 will make specific use of this opportunity if the proper conduct of this competition cannot be guaranteed due to technical reasons (e.g. viruses in the computer system, manipulation or errors in the hardware or software) or due to legal reasons. In so far as this termination is culpably caused by the behaviour of a participant, Bayer 04 can demand compensation from this person for any damages arising.

18. Bayer 04 are liable according to legal requirements, in so far as compensation claims can be applied, based on intent or gross negligence. In so far as Bayer 04 cannot be accused of wilful breach of contract then the liability for damages is limited to foreseeable, typically occurring damages. Bayer 04 are liable according to legal requirements in so far as they culpably infringe a significant contractual commitment; in this case too the liability for damages is limited to foreseeable, typically occurring damages. The liability due to the culpable endangering of life, body or health remains unaffected; this also applies to mandatory liability in accordance with the product liability act. A further liability for compensation other than previously envisaged is – without regard to the legal status of the applied claim – excluded. In so far as the liability for damages to Bayer 04 is excluded or limited this also applies in relation to the personal liability for damages of their employees, representatives and volunteers.

19. Bayer 04 accept no responsibility for the prizes in the competition in terms of absence of defects or damage caused by use or utilisation. Bayer 04 do not accept liability for interruptions to or noncompletion of the competition arising from technical defects and failures.

20. In case of dispute, German law applies. The exclusive place of jurisdiction for all legal disputes from or in connection with these terms and conditions of entry or this competition is Leverkusen.

21. There is no valid claim to the award of a prize. Any recourse to courts of law is excluded.

Data protection
(1) Insofar as personal data of participants are recorded in the course of this competition, they will be exclusively used by Bayer 04 for the purpose of completing the competition and associated contractual obligations. For example, we use your address, your first and surnames and address for sending prizes. The legal basis for handling this data is Article 6 Section 1 lit b DS_GVO (GDPR) and with your approval Article 6 Section 1 lit. a DS-GVO applies.

(2) On the formation of the contract we compile the following personal data on you as a winner:
• Address
• First name and surname
• Address
• If applicable different Instagram profile name at the time of the competition
• If applicable telephone number (for resolving queries)
• If applicable email address (for resolving queries)
• If applicable date of birth (to confirm age)
• Details of your win/prize
(3) To fulfil our contractual and legal obligations, we will disclose your personal data to internal and external organisation. This does not represent transferred to so-called third parties unless there is a legal obligation, you have agreed to disclosure or the disclosure is required for the fulfilment of a contract between you and us.
(4) Your personal data will be deleted, unless that is subject to a legal obligation to preserve records, if the data is no longer required for the original purpose, if you have submitted an application to cancel or if storage is no longer permitted for other legal reasons.
(5) Participants/winners are entitled at any time to rescind their consent to storage and thereby withdraw from the competition by submitting a cancellation to info@bayer04.de. In the event of cancellation, the personal data of the participants/winners will immediately be deleted in the database provided there are no legal retention periods. If the cancellation happens before the prizes are awarded then further participation is excluded.
(6) Further information on dealing with your personal data, for example on the assertion of your other data subject rights can be found in our data privacy statement.
Usage rights
The content used such as text, videos, graphics and sound recordings are protected by copyright. Downloading or other use is not permitted.

X (formerly Twitter) is neither the organiser of the competition nor involved in any way. The promotion has no connection to Instagram and is not sponsored, supported or organised by Instagram in any way.