
Professional football does have a big effect on the environment. Bayer 04 are looking for innovative solutions that are better for the environment and will be implemented. The club will never give up trying to improve. The BayArena is a living room is a relatively old city stadium that has been very influenced by the efficient optimisation of the use of resources. Bayer 04 as in the BayArena as a stadium very close to the city that has a unique characteristic as well as the strong echo logical home benefits that every fan can get to matches easily with the local ÖPNV transport system or by bike. The BayArena will continue to be sensibly and efficiently upgraded within the framework of the infrastructure possibilities.

Bicycle stand BayArena



Weather measuring station of the pitch

In the last six years, Bayer 04 Leverkusen have been able to reduce overall energy consumption by more than 30% through targeted technical improvements. These relate to the BayArena as well as the other club properties.

Bayer 04 does however require several resources such as water, electricity, gas and district heating to ensure the smooth running of matchday's in according with the regulations of the Association.

Work is currently ongoing to find solutions to be even more sparing with resources.

An overview of the current and key measures in and around the BayArena follows:





Bayer 04 has a partner for modern and energy-saving lighting in the company Ledvance. The exchange of lighting at the BayArena and many other buildings on the site to energy-saving LED lighting has had a positive effect on energy use. In addition, this also significantly extends the lifetime of many systems and devices.

Provided there are no events at the BayArena, the external area at the BayArena only lights up footpaths in the evening and is completely switched off at midnight. Only as required and for reasons of safety, such as darkness in winter, the lighting is switched on again to ensure road safety from six in the morning. The two big signs at the BayArena including the Bayer Cross on the roof of the stadium will be completely switched off in future until further notice.


Bayer 04 has been using certified green energy since 2015. Consumption is also continually analysed and optimised making use of possible potential savings.


The roofs of garages and storage areas around the BayArena are equipped with state-of-the-art solar panels to ensure the storage of energy. This is used for example for charging and operating the electric mowers used by the grounds staff. Solar panels are not currently permitted on the roof of the BayArena for structural reasons.



Undersoil heating of the pitches in and around the BayArena is an absolute necessity for uninterrupted training and matches throughout the year (and also prescribed by the DFL). In order to use energy as efficiently as possible, the undersoil heating at Bayer 04 is linked to a weather station tracking current weather forecasts. That helps to save over two thirds of heating energy. Lava stone chippings under the turf at the stadium also saves energy.


In addition to undersoil heating, the efficient watering of the pitches is a crucial factor in ensuring the required playing and training conditions. In this area, Bayer 04 relies on a sophisticated and rational use of resources by watering all pitches exclusively with water from wells on site rather than using precious drinking water.

Bayer 04 staff are provided with water to drink from an in-house system to reduce the use (and transport) of plastic bottles.

Other measures include waterless urinals as well as tap aerators and the use of organic fertilisers.





Fan mobility on matchdays is the biggest emissions factor for professional football clubs. Bayer 04 uses the benefit of its location and is looking for traditionally more climate friendly mobility – both on matchdays and beyond:

Use of the ÖPNV travel network is included and that means the purchase of a match ticket for a game at the BayArena gives home and away fans the opportunity to travel directly to the stadium on matchdays free of charge travelling across the VRS and VRR areas and back too, with shuttle and local buses taking fans direct to the stadium. Two stations (Leverkusen Mitte and Manfortt) with connections to regional transport are within walking distance of the stadium. In addition there are facilities for 2,000 bicycles to be parked in and around the arena. Bayer 04 are offering additional incentives for people to use bicycles.

Seit dem Jahr 2021 sind vor dem Eingang Süd des Stadions vier moderne Ladestationen für Elektroautos installiert und in Betrieb, weitere wurden kürzlich in anderen Bayer 04-Liegenschaften installiert. Mitarbeitende profitieren außerdem von einem Fahrrad-Leasing sowie einem rabattierten Deutschlandticket als Jobticket.

Weitere Maßnahmen werden folgen. So führt Bayer 04 aktuell in Zusammenarbeit mit der RWTH Aachen eine Mobilitätsanalyse durch, die das Ziel hat, Maßnahmen zu entwickeln, die Fan-Anreise am Spieltag klimafreundlicher zu gestalten. Auch in puncto Dienstreisen der Werkself und der Mitarbeitenden werden die Reisedaten analysiert und hinsichtlich möglicher Optimierungen ausgewertet.



Healthy food and top level sport are closely connected. The food sector is however also a significant factor in terms of climate calculations. In association with the Bayer Sports Family, Bayer 04 have addressed the issue of nutrition as an important sustainability matter.

Bayer 04 back conscious nutrition for its men and women players. This begins with the younger players in the form of comprehensive nutrition advice and goes through to the senior team were nutrition fits the needs of the athlete. Also in the direction of non-football playing members of staff, Bayer 04 are giving food offers in different formats. With all that, the use of reusable containers avoids the need for waste.

Beim Thema Ernährung hat das Stadion-Catering den größten Einfluss auf den CO2-Fußabdruck von Bayer 04. Aus diesem Grund erarbeitete die Bayer Gastronomie ein nachhaltiges Lebensmittelkonzept, dass unter anderem die Themen Lebensmittelauswahl und Vermeidung von Lebensmittelverschwendung beinhaltet.  So erweitert zum Beispiel seit der Saison 203/24 ein Veggie-Corner das Catering-Angebot im Public-Bereich, während eine Kompostiermaschine Lebensmittelreste nachhaltig weiterverwertet.

Abgerundet wird das Engagement des Klubs von Sensibilisierungsmaßnahmen rund um das Thema Ernährung, sei es im Rahmen von Workshops der Bayer 04 Lernkurve, als Bestandteil des Programms Fußballfans im Training, bei den Diabetes Camps oder im Rahmen gezielter Kampagnen im Verbund der Bayer Sports Family.


Cup donation at the BayArena

Bayer 04 views the issue of waste management as a whole. For this purpose, the club set itself the target in 2017 of optimising the waste situation, for example with the separation and minimisation of waste. At the stadium the installation of bigger bins and the introduction of reusable deposit beakers are significant measures working against pollution in the vicinity of the stadium and also led to a considerable reduction in waste on matchdays.

The club also offers the opportunity to donate reusable beakers and thereby supports a range of local initiatives. In the 2022/23 season the call for donations in 2019 raised over €40,000 which went to the Reuschenberg wildlife park, the Förderverein fan project and the homeless charity Kältegang. In the 2023/24 season the recipients now include the animal protection organisation Tierschutz Leverkusen e.V.. Every beaker donated is equivalent to a donation of two euros. The collecting containers are on the lower tier in the immediate vicinity of exits and in the North Stand centrally opposite Block SD3/D3

In addition, Bayer 04 have two composting machines on the site of the stadium. While one machine processes cuttings from the grass pitches, the other machine turns food waste into compost. The self-produced compost can be used in areas of the Bayer 04 buildings. This measure reduces waste collection and thereby saves CO2.

In order to not produce too much food, the concept in stadium catering involves a continuous monitoring of food waste. The club is also committed to be active against food waste.


CO² footprint


Social Commitment - 25.07.2024

"Better than winning the lottery": Bayer 04 HILFT day at Leverkusen children’s day-care centre

Time to roll up the sleeves and do some good again: At what was now the eighth edition of the BAYER 04 HILFT Day, staff and players once again dedicated an entire day to a good cause this year. Following last year's efforts at NaturGut Ophoven, this time the Bayer 04 team restored the outdoor area of a Leverkusen children's day-care centre with great support from Lebenshilfe-Werkstätten Leverkusen and club partner Coca-Cola.

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Bayer 04 - 27.06.2024

Tapsoba sets up foundation in Burkina Faso

Commitment under the Cross: Werkself player Edmond Tapsoba has set up the 'Fondation Edmond Tapsoba' in his home country Burkina Faso. The defender's foundation, based in Ouagadougou, aims to provide sustainable support to a wide range of people in different circumstances. The focus of the measures is on disadvantaged children, older people, the homeless, victims of violence, people with serious illness, refugees and people with disabilities.

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Social Commitment - 26.04.2024

Bayer 04 is Wiesdorf: School workshop with Tah on racism

Whether at school, in grassroots sports or at the football stadium – racism and discrimination of all kinds are still prevalent in our society. For this reason, Bayer 04 has been organising preventative school workshops on the subject of racism for many years. This week, one of these workshops took place at the Lise-Meitner-Gymnasium not far from the BayArena as part of the Wiesdorf district matchday - and with a prominent guest: Werkself star Jonathan Tah worked intensively with the pupils on the topic. The German champion and international also spoke about his personal experiences with racism.

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Bayer 04 - 08.03.2024

International Women's Day: Stadium announcer Pitti Dahl – the woman with the mic

She was the first female stadium announcer in the Bundesliga and the only one for a long time: Petra 'Pitti' Dahl has been the voice at the BayArena home games since 2009. She was born in Leverkusen and also works in the marketing department at Bayer 04. In an interview with bayer04.de, she talks on this special day about her role as a woman at a football stadium, the relevance of diversity at a football club and the significance of International Women's Day for her.

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