
The referee section at Bayer 04 consists of over 30 active referees. All age groups are active. In addition to the games in the Cologne Football District, some referees also referee games at association level in the Central Rhine Football Association and at levels controlled by the German FA (DFB).

In addition, Bayer 04's referees also regularly referee internal friendly matches with the first team, youth teams and veterans team. To ensure that they are always up to date in terms of rules and developments, they take part in the relevant training measures in the association area.


How do I become a referee?


In principle, anyone interested in football can become a referee. The rules of the game are quite complex and must be learned intensively and refreshed regularly.

For this purpose, the respective state association offers training and continuing education courses.

To become a referee, you must first attend a candidate course where rules and sports fitness play an important role.

Information about refereeing can be found on the homepage of the Middle Rhine Football Association.


If you are interested in joining the Bayer 04 referee family soon, the club would be pleased to hear from you.

In a discussion together, the possibilities of admission can be discussed.

Bayer 04 supports the club's own referees with the necessary equipment as well as work together during the season.