
Bayer 04 see local, regional and international efforts in society as obvious as football is by definition a social event. Off the pitch, Bayer 04 sees itself as a responsible employer, committed neighbour and actor for positive cohesion. The club stands for equality of opportunity and diversity, promotes education and offers all fans, female and male athletes and colleagues a familial, safe and trusted environment.




Cover Society


Equal opportunities and diversity

Bayer 04 is here for everybody. The club sees itself as a home for all fans, colleagues, women footballers and men footballers who feel at home under the Cross and describe the BayArena as their living room. A colourful team and a colourful home end stand for tangible diversity and cooperation where there is no room for discrimination.




The Werkself are an international team traditionally with lots of internationals from different countries. The same applies to the Women's team and also the youth teams at Bayer 04. The public commitment of all Bayer 04 teams to diversity and against exclusion within the framework of regular campaigns such as the #Morethanfootball Action Weeks is solid proof of the commitment to society by Bayer 04.

colourful flags


The BayArena is a place for happy football fests. Here every Bayer fan should be how he or she wants to be. Age, gender, appearance – none of that plays a role when you get behind the Werkself. There no space for discrimination in the home end and Bayer 04 has a clear position here. To enable all fans to have a barrier free stadium experience as far as possible, Bayer 04 offers its fans and visitors with disability a wide-ranging service offer.

staff meeting


The promotion of diversity is also of great significance for the team behind the team. Bayer is a signatory to the charta of diversity that campaigns for diversity in the world of work. In gaining personnel and developing them, the club therefore takes measures that will create a working environment where there is no space for prejudice.

ukraine flag


The community commitment at Bayer 04 has long covered various projects in the areas of inclusion and diversity. Whether that be as part of an antidiscrimination workshop in the Bayer 04 Learning curve with the focus on the prevention of sexism and racism, with Walking Football or with the inclusive project of Einfach Fussball. The club thereby carries out educational work and beyond that offers the opportunity to bring diversity at Bayer 04 to come to life.

Regional commitment

Kältegang Leverkusen

Bayer 04 are at home under the Cross. Therefore a significant element of the social commitment of Bayer 04 is focused on the city of Leverkusen and its immediate surroundings. In a cooperative relationship with local actors and initiatives, the club consolidates its role as a ‘good neighbour’. The initiatives are as varied as they are comprehensive: On the pitch, that applies to the projects of Einfach Fussball, Football Fans inTraining, Bundesliga bewegt and Diabetes Camp. The offers are aimed at different target groups but have the common feature that (football) sport is centre stage.

Educational and preventive work under the Bayer Cross involves the team of the Leverkusen Fan Project and the self initiated project supported by the DFL foundation of the Bayer 04 Learning Curve. The regional commitment of Bayer 04 is rounded off with a range of measures for the residents of Leverkusen. That includes the traditional Bayer 04 Helps Days, the Christmas Festival of Friends, the Werkself Lion events and beaker donations on matchdays in aid of alternate Leverkusen initiatives.




Bayer 04 look after their young players: on and off the pitch. The principle of dual careers applies at the Bayer 04 Performance Centre. That includes individual support and career planning the time during above all after football career. For that, the Werkself work during school time with the Leverkusen Sports College and also cooperates with other schools in the vicinity. In addition, active Werkself athletes have the opportunity after finishing school to take up training at Bayer 04. Up-and-coming female and male players, who are not from Leverkusen or live here, share organised accommodation or live with host families or they receive support in the form of a travel service so that sport and school can be brought together under one hat.

Ebenso fördert der Klub Mitarbeitende in ihrer Weiterbildung und Talententwicklung. Ziel ist es, eine top ausgebildete Belegschaft zu haben und Mitarbeitende bestmöglich und nach ihren Bedürfnissen zu fordern und fördern.

Für den Nachwuchs, der nicht unterm Kreuz Fußball spielt, aber dafür unterm Kreuz zur Schule geht, bietet Bayer 04 im Rahmen der Bayer 04 Lernkurve zahlreiche Workshops und AGs zu verschiedenen Themenbereichen für alle Altersklassen an.



Health and sport are subjects that are closely related to each other. Bayer 04 therefore raises awareness of health issues on many levels – be it physical, mental or social health. Bayer 04 does this for employees in the form of regular free fitness courses and nutrition tips and is thereby a responsible employer. The club also puts this into action for its athletes through a comprehensive health concept and makes its knowledge public: Examples of that are measures such as the Stay well campaign, regularly held Diabetes Camps, the courses of Football fans in training or school workshops on the subjects of preventing bullying, and improving nutrition. Health is a subject where the close connection to Bayer AG comes to the fore.


safety for everyone

Bayer 04 offers a safe space for everybody and, above all, a place where everybody should be able to feel at home. This secures the structure of the club. In and around the BayArena this is ensured by the stadium regulations and the security service of the long-term security partner Securitas. The specialist personnel have been trained on the subjects of preventing violence and being anti discriminatory. That includes the introduction of of an offer of help in Luisa is here in partnership with the advice centre against sexualised violence in thee.V. Frauennotruf Leverkusen, the Bayer 04 Fan Liaison team and the Fanprojekt Leverkusen e.V . The offer of aid is primarily directed at people affected by sexual harassment in the stadium on matchdays but it also serves as a contact point for other cases of violence and discrimination.

Also away from matchdays, a comprehensive child protection plan as well as high standards with health and safety at work and in the areas of compliance and data protection ensure a safe Bayer 04 for everybody. The club will not tolerate violence and discrimination in whatever form and sees that as a basis for mutual confidence.

stadium regulations


Social Commitment - 25.07.2024

"Better than winning the lottery": Bayer 04 HILFT day at Leverkusen children’s day-care centre

Time to roll up the sleeves and do some good again: At what was now the eighth edition of the BAYER 04 HILFT Day, staff and players once again dedicated an entire day to a good cause this year. Following last year's efforts at NaturGut Ophoven, this time the Bayer 04 team restored the outdoor area of a Leverkusen children's day-care centre with great support from Lebenshilfe-Werkstätten Leverkusen and club partner Coca-Cola.

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Bayer 04 - 27.06.2024

Tapsoba sets up foundation in Burkina Faso

Commitment under the Cross: Werkself player Edmond Tapsoba has set up the 'Fondation Edmond Tapsoba' in his home country Burkina Faso. The defender's foundation, based in Ouagadougou, aims to provide sustainable support to a wide range of people in different circumstances. The focus of the measures is on disadvantaged children, older people, the homeless, victims of violence, people with serious illness, refugees and people with disabilities.

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Social Commitment - 26.04.2024

Bayer 04 is Wiesdorf: School workshop with Tah on racism

Whether at school, in grassroots sports or at the football stadium – racism and discrimination of all kinds are still prevalent in our society. For this reason, Bayer 04 has been organising preventative school workshops on the subject of racism for many years. This week, one of these workshops took place at the Lise-Meitner-Gymnasium not far from the BayArena as part of the Wiesdorf district matchday - and with a prominent guest: Werkself star Jonathan Tah worked intensively with the pupils on the topic. The German champion and international also spoke about his personal experiences with racism.

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Bayer 04 - 08.03.2024

International Women's Day: Stadium announcer Pitti Dahl – the woman with the mic

She was the first female stadium announcer in the Bundesliga and the only one for a long time: Petra 'Pitti' Dahl has been the voice at the BayArena home games since 2009. She was born in Leverkusen and also works in the marketing department at Bayer 04. In an interview with, she talks on this special day about her role as a woman at a football stadium, the relevance of diversity at a football club and the significance of International Women's Day for her.

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